Pre Purchase Car Inspections

Pre Purchase inspections are simply a process where our experienced mechanics will inspect a car you are thinking of purchasing. This is especially imporant if the car you are looking to purchase is past 3 years old. General car warranties expire at this time and it is vital that you have your car inspected prior to purchasing as to ensure there are no surprises once you invest your hard earned money into buying the car.

A qualified mechanic is able to advise you on anything that looks warn or needs replacing mechanically, anything that sounds out of the ordinary in the engine, and many other areas that you may not think to check. Ace Mechanix are qualified experienced mechanics and are able to minimise the risk when purchasing your new vehicle.

We will do a complete diagnostic test on your new car and advise you best on what to look out for in the coming months or years ahead. Our mechanic shop in Earlwood is fitted out with the latest tools, technology and staff that are able to quickly and effectively identify problems that may be present.

Ask us more about our Pre vehicle purchase inspection service and you will be surprised at how low it costs for the great value you receive. Call us today on 02 8084 4494